GMO Debate Closing Statement


The use of GMO crops is more helpful to our environment than harmful, and information to the contrary is baseless propaganda.  A variety of reputable sources have conducted studies that show GMO’s pose no harm to human health.

U.S. farmers who are using GMOs have lessened pesticide use by 40 million pounds since 1995[1]. GMOs bring down the price of food at a higher quantity, which will become essential to survival as our once abundant food supplies continue to dwindle. The evidence of this growing crisis has become more than evident, with 1 in 8 Americans already suffering from malnutrition[2]. If we did away with the genetic modifications that are currently employed across the globe, food wouldn’t reach certain countries before going bad, in turn causing millions to suffer. The countries that aren’t currently having issues feeding their people are doing so because of the widespread use of GMOs, not in spite of it. Additionally, countries that don’t have the stability to maintain crops need GMOs to be able to keep up with the rest of the world.

History has shown that Americans aren’t even willing to say goodbye to super-sized soft drinks. Forcing them to give up potato chips, cereal, Taco Tuesdays, and numerous other foods that they’ve become accustomed to is yet another recipe for disaster. Those who are still unconvinced about the safety of GMOs can still make the choice to purchase non-GMO foods. It will mean paying more money for a lower quality product, but they retain the right to make that choice for themselves and their families.

Fear of GMOS is as dangerous and irrational as climate-change denial, and neglecting to allow practices that make our planet more sustainable will have catastrophic consequences. The world is changing whether we like it or not, and countries who don’t adapt will get left behind to the detriment of their own people. Ask yourself which side of history you want to be on.
